The Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) program for adolescents is one of the critical components of health indicators for immediate and long-term SRH needs. It may be difficult for the majority of adolescents to find information education communication (IEC) about SRH Key Services, and the inaccessibility of SRH service delivery points, potentially leading to poor service compliance. Stakeholders require a collaborative effort to improve adolescents’ knowledge of SRH services to finally increase the uptake of services through behavioral change communication interventions. There are strengths as well as limitations to identify and cut-off the determinants of SRH among the tradition influenced community. But, it needs taking into consideration all aspects of health to minimize potential gaps in SRH services creation as well as demand generation. The demand generation of peer to peer education intervention could improve the adoption of SRH services by increasing peer-to-peer dialogue so that young clients feel safer and more confident in seeking services.
In order to address the SRH needs of rural youth groups in a most effective way, TYO undertook community capacity building and local strengthening on SRH with delivering technical training (TOT) and refresher training to 50 local youths/peer in dedicated townships previously and currently supported Peer educators with incentives for further directions in healthy lives. Trained peer educator are contributing its outcomes and output as well as promoting sexual and reproductive health key information around their destinations. TYO is generating peer education programs for youth groups to attain the quality SRH education, information and communication comprehensively and other health issues related to adolescent needs under the deliberated approaches of nondiscrimination, respect and safety. Beyond the end of 2023, TYO would be possible disseminated the effective key SRH information to reach around 3600 youths per year interpersonally and edutainment with group talks to 400 beneficiaries annually. There is a crucial need for accurate SHR information for youths and adolescent to empower them to make healthy choices and decision in their lives.
Additionally, at the onset of humanitarian crisis over a particular period at Shan State, there were decreasing the dedicated youth groups reaching out to foreign countries for better opportunities and socioeconomic lives against the troop recruitment and arrested armed conflicts. TYO faced getting out of targeted groups among the community and PE attrition rate up as well. So, TYO thinks about the media literature and new communication strategies which is more widely spread and trendy at all young groups to meet set targets and ensure the expected outcomes. Thus, TYO developed “Change” mobile application for SRH in an increase of and access the accurate SRH information by young people. Everybody could easily accessible these generated contents and topic on the mobile app through play store and app store platforms. Change – Educational App for young people (
On the top of that, TYO makes a great deal of positive influence and strengthening to youth groups over traditional beliefs, customs and thinking of their parents, authorities, and religious leaders. Not criticized the sexual and reproductive matters, optimized the myths and risky behavior to all beneficiaries. Lastly, this article aims to be top priority regarding society’s awareness of adolescent’ health practices with excellent credentials.
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